Why are you cutting down all the trees on my road?

The Road Commission has an ongoing program to grade rural Local County Roads throughout Wexford County. The roadsides on many of the roads that are being worked on in this program have become overgrown with brush and trees over the years to the point that fairly extensive trimming and cutting is necessary to restore safe sight distance for motorists along the road and to help prevent vehicle collisions as well as damage to trucks, buses and Road Commission vehicles. Although State law created a public right of way 66 feet wide for all county roads, the Road Commission is not seeking to clear, cut, or mow the entire right of way, and it is doubtful that we would cut all the trees on your road.

Copyright 2016, Wexford County Road Commission, All Rights Reserved.

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Seasonal Weight Restrictions for Wexford County Roads will be Lifted  Tuesday March 12, 2024 @ 7:00 AM